A Bill Proposal for Reparations to Guatemala and Oregon-Guatemala Collaboration Preamble:
Whereas, the United States of America, through its governmental actions, played a significant role in interfering with the democratic process of Guatemala in 1954, leading to the overthrow of President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman and the initiation of a devastating civil war in the country; and
Whereas, the consequences of the U.S. intervention in Guatemala have resulted in long-lasting socio-economic and political impacts, including loss of life, displacement, and human rights violations; and
Whereas, the State of Oregon acknowledges its responsibility to address historical injustices and uphold the principles of justice, equality, and fairness; and
Whereas, it is imperative for the State of Oregon to take steps towards reconciliation and healing, recognizing the interconnectedness of global history and the responsibility of all nations in promoting a just world order; and
Whereas, the State of Oregon recognizes the potential benefits of collaborating with the Guatemalan community in Oregon to address labor shortages in the agricultural sector;
Whereas, President Bill Clinton visited Guatemala in 1999 and issued an official apology on behalf of the U.S. government for its interference in Guatemala, acknowledging the harm caused during that period and expressing regret for past actions;
Now, therefore, be it enacted by the [Oregon State Legislature] that: Section 1: Findings
The State of Oregon finds that the United States’ interference in Guatemala’s government in 1954 contributed to the destabilization of the nation, leading to grave human rights violations, loss of life, and widespread suffering.
The State of Oregon recognizes the need to address historical injustices and acknowledges the role of the U.S. in the tragic events that unfolded in Guatemala. The State of Oregon acknowledges the positive contributions of the Guatemalan community in Oregon, including their efforts to develop their villages and make them appealing for collaboration with the Department of Labor in Oregon.
Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of this bill is to establish a framework for the State of Oregon to take responsibility for its part in the historical injustices perpetrated by the United States against Guatemala, and to propose a unique type of reparation that benefits both the State of Oregon and the Guatemalan community in Oregon.
Section 3: Proposed Type of Reparation – Collaboration in the Agricultural Sector
The State of Oregon recognizes the labor shortages faced by farmers in the agricultural sector and the potential contributions of the Guatemalan community in Oregon to address this issue.
In recognition of the Guatemalan community’s efforts to develop their villages and create appealing conditions for collaboration, the State of Oregon proposes a unique type of reparation by offering flexible working visas to Guatemalan farmers and agricultural workers from rural areas.
The State of Oregon, in collaboration with the Department of Labor, shall provide subsidies for the flexible working visas, easing the financial burden for both the Guatemalan workers and the participating farmers in Oregon.
The flexible working visas shall allow Guatemalan workers to access temporary work opportunities in Oregon’s agricultural sector, considering the unique needs of different regions in Guatemala, including varying months with low seasonal job opportunities.
Section 4: Economic Support and Empowerment
The proposed collaboration in the agricultural sector shall provide much-needed economic support to rural workers in Guatemala and the Guatemalan community in Oregon.
By offering opportunities to work legally in the United States, the collaboration aims to improve the livelihoods and overall economic conditions of the Guatemalan workers and their families.
Section 5: Addressing Root Causes of Migration
The proposed collaboration recognizes the complex issue of immigration and aims to address its root causes.
By providing legal pathways for Guatemalan workers to seek employment opportunities in the United States during the months with less work in Guatemala, the collaboration seeks to reduce irregular migration and its associated risks.
Section 6: Subsidized Education and Training
The proposed collaboration shall include provisions for subsidized education and training opportunities for Guatemalan workers participating in the program.
This shall promote skills development and knowledge enhancement, benefiting both their home communities in Guatemala and host communities in Oregon.
Section 7: Bilateral Cooperation and Oversight
The State of Oregon shall establish cooperation with relevant state agencies and departments, including the Department of Labor, to coordinate and execute the proposed collaboration in the agricultural sector.
The State of Oregon shall establish reporting and oversight mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability in the implementation process.
Section 8: Reporting and Evaluation
Relevant state agencies and departments shall submit regular reports to the Governor of Oregon, the Oregon State Legislature, and the relevant federal authorities, detailing the progress and outcomes of the collaboration in the agricultural sector.
Section 9: Cooperation and Bilateral Relations
The proposed collaboration in the agricultural sector shall foster cooperation and strengthen bilateral relations between the Guatemalan community in Oregon and the State of Oregon.
It represents an opportunity for both communities to address historical injustices and work together towards a more equitable and collaborative future.
Section 10: Severability
If any provision of this bill or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the bill or the application of the provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.
Section 11: Effective Date
This bill shall take effect immediately upon its passage.